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Car Starters & Alternators

With over 2,000 part numbers in stock, Bexley Starters and Alternators hope to have the part you require. If the part you require is not in stock we can offer to rebuild your old unit, or try to source the part you require normally within 24 hours, a service we pride ourselves on achieving.

We can supply Starter Motors and Alternators for any vehicle.

Don't just buy a replacement part because you think it is needed, let us test your old unit first to make sure it is faulty beore you purchase a new one.

We are able to convert 6 volt to 12 volt, or from 12 volt to 9 volt, ideal for racing cars that need their Starter Motor to turn over faster when cranking.

Cars and technology are changing continuously. We constantly update our testing equipment to assure we stay one step ahead of the market.

We have a huge cross reference database which helps us to be more efficient in locating parts quickly for our customer's needs. We keep part numbers that are yet to be recognised by other re-manufacturers, so please try us with an unusual part number and see how we can help.
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